



    Welcome! The Age Strong Lab is located at the University of Prince Edward Island in Canada. Our research broadly addresses a variety of issues related to aging and late life, mental health, & cognition.

  • Who We Are

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    Jessica V Strong, PhD, ABPP


    I'm a board certified and licensed geropsychologist and Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Prince Edward Island. I am passionate about working with and serving older adults in both my clinical work and in my research. Clinically, I conduct cognitive assessments for differential dementia diagnoses and provide psychotherapy for mental health issues in late life. I supervise students in the clinical Doctor of Psychology program at UPEI on developing geropsychology competencies.


    My primary research interest is in cognition and aging, cognitive reserve, and how musical training and involvement protect against cognitive decline and promote well-being. I also enjoy program development, implementation, and evaluation of services for older adults across settings. More recently, I have been involved in research related to the geriatric workforce and how this pipeline may be impacted by factors including ageism and norms.

    Lab Associates - Some of our collaborators!

    Kirsten Graham, PhD

    Kate King, PsyD

    Olive Bryanton, PhD

    Cindy Woolverton, PhD

    William Montelpare, PhD

    Evan Plys, PhD



    I am in my fourth and last year of the Doctor of Psychology program, currently on internship. I am passionate about health and wellness and fascinated by the aging process. I love working with older adults and hearing stories and wisdom stemming from lived experiences. My clinical dissertation examines the link between trauma and cognition in older adults, while also looking at the role of post traumatic growth and resiliency.



    Jodi is a fourth year student in the Doctor of Psychology program. She is completing her dissertation on adult children caring for parents with dementia. Specifically, she is interested in how prior relationship quality impacts unmet needs and mental health in adult children caregivers. Jodi will be leaving for her clinical residency in August 2024!



    Warren is a third year student in the Doctor of Psychology program. He is completing his dissertation on sleep and dreaming in older adults. He will be leaving for his clinical residency in August 2024!



    Vincent is a second year graduate student in clinical psychology. His dissertation focuses on the neuropsychological underpinnings of reminiscence, building on work he did for his undergraduate honours thesis. Vincent hopes to practice as a clinical geriatric neuropsychologist.



    Hi! My name is Morgan and I graduated with my BSc in Psychology from UPEI in 2022. I have been working with the Age Strong Lab since 2019, focussing on the Impact of Music on Aging and Cognition project and the Seniors Survey. I am currently working on medical school applications and hope to become a physician. I am particularly interested in research on accessibility, advocacy and education, particularly when it relates to health care.



    I am a psychology student with a passion for working with kids and a broad interest in topics across the lifespan. I am interested in research that improves the care provided to older adults as well as promotes diversity in psychology. Volunteering at Dr. Strong’s lab sparked my passion for research and taught me so much about the work that goes into research. I look forward to learning more and I hope to help people of all ages throughout my career!



    Fairouz graduated with her BA in Psych in 2023. She has a keen interest in social justice issues. She is working on her Master's thesis under the running and dementia project.



    Hello, my name is Dylan! I am a fourth year psychology major and sociology minor at UPEI. I am a sponge for knowledge and have a passion for research.

    Nik Nurdayana Balqis Nik Akmal Rizal


    I am currently in my 5th year of Bachelors of Arts in Psychology. I will be working on my honours thesis (23-24') under the supervision of Dr. Strong for thr topic of Religiousity/Spirituality specifically on struggle in relation to ACEs among individual across lifespan. Apart from that, I am an active volunteer in many organizations on PEI such as Hillsborough Hospital, Canadian Blood Services and Canadian Red Cross! I am passionate about Spirituality and Environment that influence our perspective when understanding the meaning of life and our relationship with others. I hope to be able to work in Research field someday :)



    I am in the final year of my Psychology Degree with a minor in Business Administration. I am keenly interested in all forms of psychological research; my main interest has been in qualitative research and studying older adults. I am volunteering in the lab to better understand how research is conducted outside of the classroom and to take these skills into my future endeavours.









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    Lab Alumni


    Emily Jewell, PsyD

    Katie (Master's in Counseling)

    Madison (Master's in Education)

    Clare (Master's in OT)

    Aiping (Law School)

    Rhiannon (Bachelor of Education)

    Ryan (Master's in OT)

    Caroline (applying for mental health support jobs)

    Telimoye (UPEI PsyD program)

    Lanlan (Master's in Clinical Psychology)

    Maria (employed at Alzheimer's Society PEI)

    Kaitlyn (Master's in Applied Psychology)


  • Current Projects

    Below is a list of ongoing and planned projects

    Caring for a Parent with Dementia

    This is Jodi's clinical dissertation. Her study will assess how prior family relationships impact symptoms of caregiver burden, as well as positive aspects of caregiving for adult children who are caring for a parent with dementia.


    We are currently recruiting! Take a look here

    Running and Dementia

    This is an international collaboration with researchers across North America and Europe. We are currently completing a systematic literature review examining how running/walking/jogging/hiking might lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. We're also reading articles that talk about people who already have dementia and continue running and the impacts that activity has their mood or mental health, sense of community, etc.


    *This project will be part of Fairouz's Master's Thesis.


    Stay tuned!

    Death Anxiety

    This is Lanlan's undergraduate honour's thesis. She analysed death anxiety across cultures (North America and China, primarily) and lifespan (young to middle aged).


    We finished data collection and are analysing the results! (no new participants needed)

    Dream Content in Older Adults with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment

    This study is examining dream content in older adults living in the community. Participants track their dreams for one month using a dream record form.


    This is Warren's dissertation study.


    We are currently enrolling participants! Please reach out to the lab if you are interested.

    The Impact of Music on Aging and Cognition (Impact of MAgiC)

    This is a longitudinal study that follows adults over 60 for 3 years, measuring cognitive, social engagement, physical activity, and musical training. We are interested in how formal musical training is related to cognitive functioning over time and how casual involvement in music is related to quality of life and mood.


    *Aiping analysed the Time 1 data for this study as part of her honour's thesis on age of acquisition and cognition


    *Ryan analysed Time 1 and some Time 3 data on physical health and well-being.


    We are collecting data for Time 3 for this study! (no new participants needed)

    Neuropsychological Underpinnings of Reminiscence

    This study will examine the relationship between cognitive functioning (memory, language, and executive functions), reminiscence functions, and reminiscence (responding to a prompt).


    This is Vincent's dissertation study.


    We will begin recruiting in summer 2024! Stay tuned

  • Publications and Presentations

    (bolded names are current and former lab members)

    Publications (selected)

    Weissberger, G., Strong, J. V., Stefandis, K., Summers, M., Bondi, M. W., & Stricker, N. H. (2017). Diagnostic accuracy of memory measures in Alzheimer’s dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychology Review, doi:10.1007/s11065-017-9360-6


    Strong, J. V. & Mast, B. T. (2018) The Cognitive Functioning of Older Adult Instrumental Musicians and Non-musicians. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2018.1448356


    Strong, J. V. & Midden. A. (2018) Cognitive Differences between Older Adult Instrumental Musicians: Benefits of Continuing to Play. Psychology of Music


    Deason, R. G., Strong, J. V., Tat, M. J., Simmons-Stern, N. R., & Budson, A. E. (2018). Explicit and Implicit Memory for Music in Healthy Older Adults and Patients with Mild Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology


    Strong, J. V., Allen, R. S., Tighe, C., Jacobs-Dodson, M. L., Dorman, H., & Mast, B. T. (2019). What geropsychology trainees think geropsychologists do and what we actually do: A Mixed Methods. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education


    Strong, J. V., Bamonti, P., Jacobs-Dodson, M. L., & Moye, J. (2019). Capacity assessment training in geropsychology: Creating and evaluating an outpatient capacity clinic to fill a training gap. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education.


    Schwartz, A. W., Hawley, C. E., Strong, J. V., Philips, S. C., Amir, O., Ludwin, B. M., Ngoc Phung, E. T., &. Moye, J. A. (2020). A Workshop for Interprofessional Trainees using the Geriatrics 5Ms Framework. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society


    Strong, J. V., Plys, E., Hartmann, C., Hinrichs, K. & McCullough, M. (2020). Successful strategies for implementing group mental health interventions in a VA Community Living Center. Clinical Gerontologist


    Dorman, H., Strong, J. V., Tighe, C., Mast, B. T., & Allen, R. (2021) The Pipeline of Geropsychology: Integration of Clinical and Academic Career Trajectories. The Journal of Clinical Psychology


    Strong, J. V., Fonda, J., Grande, L., Milberg, W., McGlinchey, R., & Leritz, E. (2021) Cognitive reserve mediates the relationship between metabolic syndrome and cognitive functioning in middle aged and older adults. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition.


    Strong, J. V., Plys, E., Hinrichs, K. L. M., Hartmann, C., & McCullough, M. (2021) Music for your mental health? The development and evaluation of a group mental health intervention in subacute rehabilitation. Aging and Mental Health


    Shea, A., Woolverton, C., Biccum, K., Yu, A., & Strong, J. V. Students’ attitudes and intention to work with older adults in the era of COVID-19. The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry 



    Poster Presentations

    Shea, A., Graham, K., & Strong, J. V. (2020). North American and International Students’ Perspectives on Older Adults. Presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting for the Gerontological Society of America 


    Galloway, C. & Strong, J. V. (2021). Comparing Working Memory and Verbal Learning in Older Adult Musicians and Non-musicians. Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting for the Gerontological Society of America


    Inman, M., Murphy, C., & Strong, J. V. (2021). Physical Activity, Social Support, and Mood in Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting for the Gerontological Society of America


    Woolverton, C., Biccum, K., Yu, A., Xin, L., & Strong, J. V. (2021).The Impact of Mental Health Stigma and Ageism on Students’ Intention to Work with Older Adults: A Mixed Methods Design. Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting for the Gerontological Society of America


    Shea, A., Yu, A., & Strong, J. V. (2021). Ageism and Undergraduate Attitudes towards Older Adults during COVID-19. Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting for the Gerontological Society of America



  • If you are interested in participating in a study please let us know what study you are interested in, your name and contact information using the link below!

    You can also contact us at strongresearchlab@gmail.com or (902) 566-0941. Please be sure to tell us what study you heard about in addition to the best way to reach you!